
日本式風呂の使い方について (How to use Japanese-style bath)

 Before taking shower or bath, check that shower's contrall box is on.The box is put towards the depths of the kitchen. When hot water is used at kitchen, Hot water flow to shower becomes weak, so ask to stop it.

And before taking bath, prepare a face towel, a bathtowel and a bathmat which are placed in guest room, or placed on rack in bathroom which are all washed and dryed by host.
When use a Japanese style bathtub, body of each one shall be washed well, because next person also use the same hot water in the bathtub. Body shall be washed using facing towel after use it to wash face. Never wash your body in the bathtub and not to use towel in the bathtub.
Japanese usually warm their body to relax all the body in  bathtub. It is very good for health to warm body in bathtub.
After taking bath, put" the towels and also bath-towel" into a washing machine and put bath mat beside the washing machine.
Underwear and towels are separetely washed from bathmat.

Usually host will fulfill hot water in bathtub just before guests use the bath. When gust use the bathtub after hot water slightly cools down, guest can again meke it hot by operating controll box on the wall in the bath-room which contrall the re-heating gas heater outside.
When reheat, water lever shall be over the holes of the bath-tub.
On the contrall box there are, from rightside, swith behind a cover to cntrol reheating time( minutes) , then to left, on-off switch, ignition starting switch and extingush switch. Above those swithes there is a window showing heating condition and remaining time of heating.
Reheating time will be changed by using small switch behind the cover.
At first, push on-off swith, then reheating-time will be shown on the window.
Then continue to push the ignition switch till mark of flame is shown on the window.
Sometimes letter of "11" is shown in the window instead of mark of flame. "11" is mark of error.
When "11" is shown, push on off switch twice and then again continue to push ignition switch till mark of fame is shown.
Flame mark show that re-heating is started. then after re-heated enough push the extingush switch.
So you can get comfortable hot water in the bathtub.
Please enjoy Japanese style of taking bath.

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