Kansai area train map.
Keihan railway, Nankai, Hankyu and metros
Next time please stay between Osaka and Kyoto along Keihan such as Hirakata city. It is easy to transport and easy to get budget accomodation with kitchen. Have a nice trip.
As already posted which is removed, Japan Rail Pass not fit you.You can use pre-paid Icoca card or other economical ticket according your trip.
From Osaka Tokyo, you can uilize LCC about 5,000yen, Highway daytime bus is 4000yen takes 7~8 hours tired and interesting trip.
End of Sept is most moderate season with clear sky blue and you can walk around view points including short trecking. Especialy east mountain range of Kyoto and Nara is proper to walk and also walk around old street of Kyoto,Nara,and Osaka.
have a nice trip
additional information
Yamanobe(Along mountain)-no-michi (path) of Nara which is along east mountain range of Nara is golden rice field at end of Sept.
1)To go to Arashiyama from Nanba, not JR but by Hankyu railway is better. Go to Osaka umeda by M-line.
Then get on Hankyu special express to Katsura, change to Arashiyama. ( alternative plan is (5) use Keihan)
2) From arashiyama, by Keifuku-arashiyama to Randen-tenjin-kawa(T-17) and after some walk change to Kyoto metro to Nijyo -jyo-mae(T14). After see the Nijyou-castle take a walk to NIshiki-Marcket.
3) After nishiki-marcket , Fushimi-inari is far and nishiki-inari is south end of your Sth. So after Nishiki-marcket, go around kawaramachi, Pont-cyo, and Yasaka area.
4) Next day, to go to Nth highland and Sth highland is better to use Keihan Railway from Osaka-metro Yodoyabashi-station. Keihan line is along S-th highland and N-th highland from south to north.
Fushimi-inari is southend of the Highland. you can go south on foot or Keihan Raikway or city-buss.
5) 1day-ticket toArashiyama and Higashiyama of keihan is useful. when you use the ticket, you go not 1) -2)-3) but 3)- 2)-1) and strat from Yodoyabashi (Keihan) to Yasaka area.
have a nice trip
I do not know expresion of High-land is right or not, we use Higashiyama (means east mountain range)
3. Re: Kansai Hiroshima Pass
Aug 16, 2018, 6:23 AM
Kansai- Hiroshima Pass cost about 13,500yen and avilable for 5 days.
It cost about 20,000yen to go and retur Hiroshima by high speed train.
When you go to and return from Hiroshima it is very useful and suppose you used 3days for Hiroshima
then you can use the pass effectively available for remained 2days in Kansai JR.
But you only stay in Kinki area, different type pass is useful such as Kinki pass for JR or Kinki pass for Private railway or Useful ticket or pass by Private railway.
It depend on your itinerary.
have a nice trip.
1. Re: Kumano Kodo Imperial route backwards? (Nachi to Takijiri-oji
Kansai- Hiroshima Pass cost about 13,500yen and avilable for 5 days.
It cost about 20,000yen to go and retur Hiroshima by high speed train.
When you go to and return from Hiroshima it is very useful and suppose you used 3days for Hiroshima
then you can use the pass effectively available for remained 2days in Kansai JR.
But you only stay in Kinki area, different type pass is useful such as Kinki pass for JR or Kinki pass for Private railway or Useful ticket or pass by Private railway.
It depend on your itinerary.
have a nice trip.
1. Re: Kumano Kodo Imperial route backwards? (Nachi to Takijiri-oji
Aug 15, 2018, 6:17 PM
This Japanese taked reverse course.
Actually, ancient Japane takes route when return to Kyoto.
This Japanese at first went to Kumano shrine for greeting (But he write that he do not believe in Sinto, only it is his custom , but you are not Japanese and do not believe in Shinto(also I do not believe), then you enjoy only trecking no problem same as me. For me it is important not to kill wales than greet at shrine.
5. Re: Combining Kinkaku-ji and Arashiyama into one day, good idea?
This Japanese taked reverse course.
Actually, ancient Japane takes route when return to Kyoto.
This Japanese at first went to Kumano shrine for greeting (But he write that he do not believe in Sinto, only it is his custom , but you are not Japanese and do not believe in Shinto(also I do not believe), then you enjoy only trecking no problem same as me. For me it is important not to kill wales than greet at shrine.
5. Re: Combining Kinkaku-ji and Arashiyama into one day, good idea?
Aug 16, 2018, 3:29 AM
>>Kitano-hakubaicho Station. Take Randen tram Kaifuku Kitano line to Katabiranotsuji station. Take
Arashiyama line to its Arashiyama Terminal. (Is there a change of train here?
It is neccesary to change train. Kitano line and arashiyama line is different plat-form.
2 lines are not pararell. Suppose Arashiyama line is horizontal, Kitano line is vertical to Arashiyama line.
Sorry, I confirmed a map and find that 2 lines are almost pararll at final stage.
When I changed the lines, I feeled as cross.
Anyway you have to change trains.
When I changed trains. got out from Kitano LIne and went foward to Arashiyama line.
2. Re: USJ Questions
It is neccesary to change train. Kitano line and arashiyama line is different plat-form.
2 lines are not pararell. Suppose Arashiyama line is horizontal, Kitano line is vertical to Arashiyama line.
Sorry, I confirmed a map and find that 2 lines are almost pararll at final stage.
When I changed the lines, I feeled as cross.
Anyway you have to change trains.
When I changed trains. got out from Kitano LIne and went foward to Arashiyama line.
2. Re: USJ Questions
Aug 15, 2018, 11:03 PM
Free ferry is from Tenpo-san (mountain whichi lowestmountain in
Japan)-park to opsite Sakurajima berth.
2~3 times/h and arrive at shown point. JR sakura-jima st. is near north-east and it is end of ume-saki line.
next staion east is USJ st..
Ferry terminal of Tenpo-san side is almost opsite side berth near Tenposan-park.
Have a nice trip.
ferry map is this.
ferry time table (open pdf and top table is tenposan side, left is week day, right is week end and national holiday. it takes sevral min to go to sakurajima, and return.
3. Re: Kyoto Itinerary
2~3 times/h and arrive at shown point. JR sakura-jima st. is near north-east and it is end of ume-saki line.
next staion east is USJ st..
Ferry terminal of Tenpo-san side is almost opsite side berth near Tenposan-park.
Have a nice trip.
ferry map is this.
ferry time table (open pdf and top table is tenposan side, left is week day, right is week end and national holiday. it takes sevral min to go to sakurajima, and return.
3. Re: Kyoto Itinerary
Aug 15, 2018, 10:46 AM
From Kiyomizu-tenple, to west walk down about 2km, there is Kiyomizu-gojyou st. of Keihan railway.
Then take any Keihan train to south (Fushimi-inari) about 10min ( 210yen). get down ,go east and over Biwako-canal , go under JR rail ,turn right, go along JR railway and at the station of JR, turn left arrive to shrine.
next day, walk west over Kamo-river, about 500m , there ia Kawaramachi-terminal of Hankyu Railway.
get on Hankyu and go to Arashiyama (change once at Katsura st.) 22min (220yen)
From arashiyama, by Keifuku-arashiyama to Randen-tenjin-kawa(A5) and after some walk change to Kyoto metro from Uzumasa-tenjingawa( T-17) to Nijyo -jyo-mae(T14). Train and bus fee is about 220yen.
reccomend prepaid ICOCA card (pronounce I-KO-KA card) minmumu charge is 2,000yen include refundable 500yen diposit. buy it Railway station and can charge any station.
Re: Places between Tokyo & Kyoto
After kinkakuji, take back-bus to Nijoujyoumae. and take subway to Sanjyou keihan .
Change to Keihan railway to next statio(gion-shijyou)
Have a nice trip.
Then take any Keihan train to south (Fushimi-inari) about 10min ( 210yen). get down ,go east and over Biwako-canal , go under JR rail ,turn right, go along JR railway and at the station of JR, turn left arrive to shrine.
next day, walk west over Kamo-river, about 500m , there ia Kawaramachi-terminal of Hankyu Railway.
get on Hankyu and go to Arashiyama (change once at Katsura st.) 22min (220yen)
From arashiyama, by Keifuku-arashiyama to Randen-tenjin-kawa(A5) and after some walk change to Kyoto metro from Uzumasa-tenjingawa( T-17) to Nijyo -jyo-mae(T14). Train and bus fee is about 220yen.
reccomend prepaid ICOCA card (pronounce I-KO-KA card) minmumu charge is 2,000yen include refundable 500yen diposit. buy it Railway station and can charge any station.
Re: Places between Tokyo & Kyoto
Aug 15, 2018, 6:33 AM
Regarding Tokai (between
Tokyo and Kyoto), youcan refer this.
Especialy about Biwako Area, refer those.
Between Biwa-lake and Kyoto (Biwako canal of Yamashina)
where to stay for Kyoto, Osaka,Nara also for Himeji, Yamashina,Biwako area.
After tour of Nijyoucastle take "No.12 or Nijyou-Kinkakuji Exps." bus from Nijyoujyou Mae(front of Nijyo Castle) to Noth which arrive to Knkakuji.https:/…
Especialy about Biwako Area, refer those.
Between Biwa-lake and Kyoto (Biwako canal of Yamashina)
where to stay for Kyoto, Osaka,Nara also for Himeji, Yamashina,Biwako area.
After kinkakuji, take back-bus to Nijoujyoumae. and take subway to Sanjyou keihan .
Change to Keihan railway to next statio(gion-shijyou)
Have a nice trip.
2. Re: Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo Aug 15, 2018, 4:15 AM
Osaka and Kyoto is less than 1 Hour by railway and less than 500yen for railway.
You select hotel between Osaka and Kyoto, it takes 30min and 350yen to both cities, and need not change hotel and save time. Also available special rail pass and discount ticket of Railway company.
How about this?
You select hotel between Osaka and Kyoto, it takes 30min and 350yen to both cities, and need not change hotel and save time. Also available special rail pass and discount ticket of Railway company.
How about this?
6. Re: First Time to Osaka
6. Re: First Time to Osaka
Aug 14, 2018, 10:09 PM
Regardings meals, it depend on accomodation, because meal fee and traveling fee depends on accomodation.
A good accomodation with kitchen ,market near to buy meel materials like this.
Also If you stay longer than 1 week, you can negociate less payment.
Regarding traveling, it depends on the location of the accomodation.
And there are economical travel pass. Make it clear what you want to see, and select the best one.
Also, it is better to travel at best seasons such as April,May and Octover.
have a best trip.
Re: How bad are weekends?
A good accomodation with kitchen ,market near to buy meel materials like this.
Also If you stay longer than 1 week, you can negociate less payment.
Regarding traveling, it depends on the location of the accomodation.
And there are economical travel pass. Make it clear what you want to see, and select the best one.
Also, it is better to travel at best seasons such as April,May and Octover.
have a best trip.
Re: How bad are weekends?
Aug 14, 2018, 6:14 PM
Please enjoy
Himeji according to kind advices.
You can get small enjoy from little walk as follows.
Please enjoy Kinki of Japan!
Are there any pagoda that are near nature around Osaka?
have a nice trip
2 day Itinerary advice
You can get small enjoy from little walk as follows.
Please enjoy Kinki of Japan!
Are there any pagoda that are near nature around Osaka?
Aug 13, 2018, 8:08 PM
have a nice trip
2 day Itinerary advice
Aug 13, 2018, 7:06 PM
Some points.
1)To go to Arashiyama from Nanba, not JR but by Hankyu railway is better. Go to Osaka umeda by M-line.
Then get on Hankyu special express to Katsura, change to Arashiyama. ( alternative plan is (5) use Keihan)
2) From arashiyama, by Keifuku-arashiyama to Randen-tenjin-kawa(T-17) and after some walk change to Kyoto metro to Nijyo -jyo-mae(T14). After see the Nijyou-castle take a walk to NIshiki-Marcket.
3) After nishiki-marcket , Fushimi-inari is far and nishiki-inari is south end of your Sth. So after Nishiki-marcket, go around kawaramachi, Pont-cyo, and Yasaka area.
4) Next day, to go to Nth highland and Sth highland is better to use Keihan Railway from Osaka-metro Yodoyabashi-station. Keihan line is along S-th highland and N-th highland from south to north.
Fushimi-inari is southend of the Highland. you can go south on foot or Keihan Raikway or city-buss.
5) 1day-ticket toArashiyama and Higashiyama of keihan is useful. when you use the ticket, you go not 1) -2)-3) but 3)- 2)-1) and strat from Yodoyabashi (Keihan) to Yasaka area.
have a nice trip
I do not know expresion of High-land is right or not, we use Higashiyama (means east mountain range)
Transport from Kansai Airport to Kyoto
1)To go to Arashiyama from Nanba, not JR but by Hankyu railway is better. Go to Osaka umeda by M-line.
Then get on Hankyu special express to Katsura, change to Arashiyama. ( alternative plan is (5) use Keihan)
2) From arashiyama, by Keifuku-arashiyama to Randen-tenjin-kawa(T-17) and after some walk change to Kyoto metro to Nijyo -jyo-mae(T14). After see the Nijyou-castle take a walk to NIshiki-Marcket.
3) After nishiki-marcket , Fushimi-inari is far and nishiki-inari is south end of your Sth. So after Nishiki-marcket, go around kawaramachi, Pont-cyo, and Yasaka area.
4) Next day, to go to Nth highland and Sth highland is better to use Keihan Railway from Osaka-metro Yodoyabashi-station. Keihan line is along S-th highland and N-th highland from south to north.
Fushimi-inari is southend of the Highland. you can go south on foot or Keihan Raikway or city-buss.
5) 1day-ticket toArashiyama and Higashiyama of keihan is useful. when you use the ticket, you go not 1) -2)-3) but 3)- 2)-1) and strat from Yodoyabashi (Keihan) to Yasaka area.
have a nice trip
I do not know expresion of High-land is right or not, we use Higashiyama (means east mountain range)
Transport from Kansai Airport to Kyoto
Aug 13, 2018, 8:13 AM
as shown in here,
"Nankai-metro via Nanba" for "from or to Kansai-airport traveller" special ticket 1,000en about 1h :15 min
(get on and get down at any station of metro)
metro Yodoyabashi station to Kyoto 470yen 1h
Nankai-metro ticket and to Kyoto via Nanba and Yodoyabashi total 1,470yen 2h30min
This is most cheap and change train 2times at Nanba and yodoyabashi
You get down JINGUU-MARUTA-MACHI, then walk to your hotel.
ICOCA prepaid card is available.
most east way is JR
JR from Kansai-airport to Kyoto Haruka witth ICOCA 1,600yen
But at Kyoto station, you have to take bus or taxi which need additional cost.
Regarding fiest one, you get on Nankai Railway at KIX after get special ticket of Nankai-metro via Nanba .
And use ordinary express to last station Nanba, then go forward and go down to metro M line.
get on M-line metro using the same ticket, then get down at YODOYABASHI. go forward and after ticket checker, turn right , go straight and buy ticket of KEISEI RAILWAY to destination. get on special express to JINGUU-MARUTA-MACHI.
have a nice trip.
From Kansai-airport (KIX) to tengacyaya
ordinary ticket is 920yen. 44min
special express rapit seat fee is +510yen
total is 1,430yen 36min
Then change to sakaisujisen.
If you would like to enjoy special expres rapits, enjoy it.
But for me ordinary express is enough.
If regional train is waiting at platform, you take it and go to IZUMISANO (2nd station) and change to ordinaly express from Wakayama toTtengacyaya on same platform (from left to right or from right to left).
Miss Super-azusa1 is right.
So, I again checked and find this.
From April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 you can buy only on web by 1130yen for regular seat.
And as miss azusa1 wrote can by at special counter by1270yen for regular seat also From April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019
Thanks Miss Super-azusa1 .
Room + breakfast package or Room only
Train connections
"Nankai-metro via Nanba" for "from or to Kansai-airport traveller" special ticket 1,000en about 1h :15 min
(get on and get down at any station of metro)
metro Yodoyabashi station to Kyoto 470yen 1h
Nankai-metro ticket and to Kyoto via Nanba and Yodoyabashi total 1,470yen 2h30min
This is most cheap and change train 2times at Nanba and yodoyabashi
You get down JINGUU-MARUTA-MACHI, then walk to your hotel.
ICOCA prepaid card is available.
most east way is JR
JR from Kansai-airport to Kyoto Haruka witth ICOCA 1,600yen
But at Kyoto station, you have to take bus or taxi which need additional cost.
Regarding fiest one, you get on Nankai Railway at KIX after get special ticket of Nankai-metro via Nanba .
And use ordinary express to last station Nanba, then go forward and go down to metro M line.
get on M-line metro using the same ticket, then get down at YODOYABASHI. go forward and after ticket checker, turn right , go straight and buy ticket of KEISEI RAILWAY to destination. get on special express to JINGUU-MARUTA-MACHI.
have a nice trip.
From Kansai-airport (KIX) to tengacyaya
ordinary ticket is 920yen. 44min
special express rapit seat fee is +510yen
total is 1,430yen 36min
Then change to sakaisujisen.
If you would like to enjoy special expres rapits, enjoy it.
But for me ordinary express is enough.
If regional train is waiting at platform, you take it and go to IZUMISANO (2nd station) and change to ordinaly express from Wakayama toTtengacyaya on same platform (from left to right or from right to left).
Miss Super-azusa1 is right.
So, I again checked and find this.
From April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 you can buy only on web by 1130yen for regular seat.
And as miss azusa1 wrote can by at special counter by1270yen for regular seat also From April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019
Thanks Miss Super-azusa1 .
Room + breakfast package or Room only
Aug 12, 2018, 9:23 AM
There are many convenience shops in
Japan. and you can find many type of meals. So you can prepare breakfast for next morning. Not only breakfast, also you can find lunch or night meals also.
You need not worry about break-fast and only think about best location for your tour and what type of travel pass is best.
Get on Gion-shijyou of Keihan, Go north next station Keihan-sanjyo , change train to Kyoto Metro , Go west
3rd nijyo-jyo-mae station (T-14), go up (1) (see next web page )
Go north over road, go north to front of castle. There is a Taxi stop and over there bus- stop.
If you can get taxi get on it, If not, go to bus stop and wait a bus "N12bus" or "KINKAKUJI- NIJYOUJYO express bus" which go to KINKAKUJI on same rout and same price.
have a nice trip.
You need not worry about break-fast and only think about best location for your tour and what type of travel pass is best.
Get on Gion-shijyou of Keihan, Go north next station Keihan-sanjyo , change train to Kyoto Metro , Go west
3rd nijyo-jyo-mae station (T-14), go up (1) (see next web page )
Go north over road, go north to front of castle. There is a Taxi stop and over there bus- stop.
If you can get taxi get on it, If not, go to bus stop and wait a bus "N12bus" or "KINKAKUJI- NIJYOUJYO express bus" which go to KINKAKUJI on same rout and same price.
have a nice trip.
Train connections
Aug 17, 2018, 7:17 PM
TofukujiStation Map
Right side is Nara and Left side is Kyoto. Front blue platform is JR, and back side white platform is Keihan. So you came from leftside on Keihan-railway.and get down most far platform.
(red arrow not fit with you)
You go out through ticket-checker and turn right,there are stair and elevator.
Go up, and follow red arrow to most front side, then turn left , go through ticket-checker. and down to right-side to kyoto.
If your shinkansen tciket is magnetic, you can touch or through machine.
not magnetic There should be a path with officer. you can get any advice from him.
Kyoto station
you arrive most far on the map platform 9 or 10 of ground level.
9,10 railway is not through the station, so you get down and go foward.
up to 1st level and turn left. there are shinkansen entrance. (no JR exit) you are happy.
Shinkansen is 2nd floor. and 12 platform is front side on Map.
12 min maybe enough, but I am very careful, so I go there earlier more than 30 min.
have a nice trip.
Train connections
Right side is Nara and Left side is Kyoto. Front blue platform is JR, and back side white platform is Keihan. So you came from leftside on Keihan-railway.and get down most far platform.
(red arrow not fit with you)
You go out through ticket-checker and turn right,there are stair and elevator.
Go up, and follow red arrow to most front side, then turn left , go through ticket-checker. and down to right-side to kyoto.
If your shinkansen tciket is magnetic, you can touch or through machine.
not magnetic There should be a path with officer. you can get any advice from him.
Kyoto station
you arrive most far on the map platform 9 or 10 of ground level.
9,10 railway is not through the station, so you get down and go foward.
up to 1st level and turn left. there are shinkansen entrance. (no JR exit) you are happy.
Shinkansen is 2nd floor. and 12 platform is front side on Map.
12 min maybe enough, but I am very careful, so I go there earlier more than 30 min.
have a nice trip.
Train connections
Aug 17, 2018, 9:53 PM
ICOCA is avilable in
Tokyo. And refund of ICOCA is " charging maney + card price 500yen - mnaging fee200yen ".
But only refundable at the counter of West JR, so it is better to refund at kyoto station and in Tokyo buy new prepaid card Suica of Pasmo.
Kyoto - Hidden Gems & Unique Things to Do/See
But only refundable at the counter of West JR, so it is better to refund at kyoto station and in Tokyo buy new prepaid card Suica of Pasmo.
Kyoto - Hidden Gems & Unique Things to Do/See
Aug 19, 2018, 7:40 AM
rice field
yamanobe no
michi (path of moutain ) of Nara
murou temple hase temple
Biwa lake canal yamashina to nanzen temple
nijyou (2 tops) mountain to katsuragi mountain
from fushimi-harbor-park along biwa-lake-canal
Osaka-Kyoto Trip
If you plan one day trips staying in
Kyoto, or Osaka, to west himeji and to east biwa-lake area to Hikone and Omi-hachiman is good.
as reference for next chance how about this.
If you stay at the base in Keihan railway area.
You can go from there to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara.
Also, Keihan Railway serves good ticket for travelers.
They co-operare with other lines.
Icoca is refundable, so you can use a avobe ticket and ,for not aplicable area, Icoca.
for accomodation, please refer this.
Mr. mabei0123 's advice is excelent.
Additionaly, from KIX to doutonbori (shinsaibashi) , most cheap one is Kix-Nankai- metro via Nanba is 1,000yen (can not get special express ripito). which can be buy at KIX and metro station. must Via Namba.
Nankai Line map
Osaka metro line map
To nara,Kintetsu Railway is best.
Kintetsu line map and discount ticket
To kyoto, Keihan Railway is best.
Keihan line map and discount ticket
have a nice trip and for next time, refer this,
Kyoto, Nara, Kobe & Osaka, Hemiji & Hiroshima & Tokyo
yamanobe no
michi (path of moutain ) of Nara
murou temple hase temple
Biwa lake canal yamashina to nanzen temple
nijyou (2 tops) mountain to katsuragi mountain
from fushimi-harbor-park along biwa-lake-canal
Osaka-Kyoto Trip
Aug 19, 2018, 8:56 PM
as reference for next chance how about this.
If you stay at the base in Keihan railway area.
You can go from there to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara.
Also, Keihan Railway serves good ticket for travelers.
They co-operare with other lines.
Icoca is refundable, so you can use a avobe ticket and ,for not aplicable area, Icoca.
for accomodation, please refer this.
Mr. mabei0123 's advice is excelent.
Additionaly, from KIX to doutonbori (shinsaibashi) , most cheap one is Kix-Nankai- metro via Nanba is 1,000yen (can not get special express ripito). which can be buy at KIX and metro station. must Via Namba.
Nankai Line map
Osaka metro line map
To nara,Kintetsu Railway is best.
Kintetsu line map and discount ticket
To kyoto, Keihan Railway is best.
Keihan line map and discount ticket
have a nice trip and for next time, refer this,
Kyoto, Nara, Kobe & Osaka, Hemiji & Hiroshima & Tokyo
Aug 20, 2018, 4:16 PM
It takes about 1,500yen from
osaka to himeji 2 hours one way.
for shinkansen low speed one is additional 900yen 1.5h one way .
for shinkansen high speed one is additional 1,800yen 1h one way.
So Jr pass about 30,000yen/ 7days/1adult is not proper for you.
To enjoy Kyoto, Nara, Kobe & Osaka, Hemiji & Hiroshima it is important to select location of accomodation and find economica l1 to 3days ticket. Prepaid Icoca card is useful which is refundable with 22yen managing fee.220yen.
Have a nice trip.
Bus from KIX to Namba
for shinkansen low speed one is additional 900yen 1.5h one way .
for shinkansen high speed one is additional 1,800yen 1h one way.
So Jr pass about 30,000yen/ 7days/1adult is not proper for you.
To enjoy Kyoto, Nara, Kobe & Osaka, Hemiji & Hiroshima it is important to select location of accomodation and find economica l1 to 3days ticket. Prepaid Icoca card is useful which is refundable with 22yen managing fee.220yen.
Have a nice trip.
Bus from KIX to Namba
Aug 21, 2018, 1:05 AM
Regular bus to OCAT:
Late night bus to Nankin Namba:
Nankai railway
namba station map
Download the station map PDF from up web.
arrived to Namba station 3rd floor, go foward and go through ticket checker, go foward rather left side, there are escalaters.use 2 escaleter.
go down to !st floor (in Japan 1st floor means ground level)
Look 1st floor(ground level) in the map.
from no.2 escalator to north exit to midousuji (doutonnbori.)
there is no direct train.
Most easy way is as follows.
at haneda get on Keikyu-railway to shinagawa.
at shinagawa, change to JR shinkansen (super high speed train) to shin (new)Osaka then to Osaka by ordinary line.
any question please.
for your stay Osaka or Kyoto refer this.
You can change at Haneda air-port arrival lobby or mono-rail 2F(in japan 1F=ground level) ticket gate .
from 6:45am, and at shinagawa station information (central ticket gate area) or JR tokai ticket counter both from 9:00am.
first time to kyoto
Hi everyone, I'm going to kyoto and
osaka in dec. we are planning to stay in kyoto for 2 nights. is it better to go straight to kyoto after arriving and kansai airport? we will be staying in osaka for 5 days, with day trips out to nara, kobe and miyajima island.
we also plan to do day trips to shirakawago and/or nagano if possible. should we go to these places during our stay in kyoto or from osaka? understand that it may take 4 hours one way but we will set out early. also read that walking from the train station to snow monkey park can take 40 min. hope the direction signs are clear enough for us to make our way there by ourselves!
appreciate any advice
Your route is correct. and also youcan go from next station osaka-jyou (castle)-kouen(park) .
so, you go from morinomiya and return osaka-jyou-kouen is good.
you have to change at ten-nouji station to circle line (counter-clock -wise round side).
all train stop tennoji, there are many platform but easy to find the line witch go to Umeda or Osaka station.
Umeda and Osaka station is same station. Osaka station is located in Umeda area.
next time please refer this.
Nagoya, Kobe , osaka ,kyoto is narrow area, so I recommend you stay one place , cook yourselves also eat outside, then you can get longer and budget stay.
Especialy Keihan Railway from osaka to nara runs along most many view points and serve economical pass and walking maps for budget trip.
Keihan line map and pass
Food shop Ramen, gyoza are served by chain shop, any where you can eat also like this.
big book shop get cloths also.
refer this.
Dear Jeffo C
according to this model-case with driver speak English.
Osaka 5H course start from Osaka area 30,800yen wiyh English speak driver.But not including highway fee ,ticket to main-construction.
KOBE 4H course and Kyoto 7Hcourse are each starting from the each city. so both plans do not fit you.
Osak course go to Osakacastle, doutonbori and abeno harukasu high building.
May I ask them to addition of shitennoji temple and umeda floating girden?
Osaka castle is as follows.
4th picture shows about 20m up-hill level2, so i think youcan go.
Inside of buiding, there are elevators.
best regards
kyoto 3 days. Then osaka/kobe 7 days.
Kansai through pass costs 4,000yen for 2days (2,000yen/day), 5,200yen for 3days (1,733yen/day).
by the ticket you can not use JR, but private railways cover it. And you can not use Kyoto subway and bus.
So, you should not use the pass for Kyoto tour. In result, to you use the pass economicaly, depend on how far you run around. but daily cost is not so much. Therefore the pass shall be useful.
Especialy you stay middle point of private Railwai of Kansai area, advantage becomes higher, becouse you
use more private line than you change your hotel. Actualy Kansai area is narrow, so stay one point is very useful. Suppose, it takes 1,000yen one way between cities, so go and back cost 2,000yen. Then run around Kinki! I will try. additionaly suppose you stay Keihan Railway area, the railway run along Kyoto east moutains, therefore, 1day ticket of Keihan is very useful/
Please refer this.
99 posts
41 reviews
I have never been to Mt.
Koya. in winter. so i get information about it only through web. From the wed, early of Dec. it snows. Therefore I recommend you not to go there with Baby. But if you want see snow and just see around small area, you can go. Following web shows a person go there middle of Dec. using Nankai Railway , Cable car and then bus. arreve to Okunoin. It looks easy jurney.
there are ordinary ryokan (japanese style hotel) named Tamagawa hotel , so no problem for a child.
Before you go to Mt. Koya, you plan to stay Osaka. See the map below.
Green is Koya line. Black small circle is KIX. so you plan to arrive KIX and go to Nanba/Osaka(red circle), stay 2days, and then go to Mt.Koya. That's OK. But prepare winter clothes especialy non slip shoes.
Weather of Osaka, first of Dec. is as follows.
Have a nice trip.
No more information?
Why you say such a sad things as "once in a lifetime only "
You can find more economical method to stay Japan. especially Kinki area (such as Osaka , Kyoto, nara) is narrow area, so need not change accomodation where you can use as good base accomodation and not only cheap but you can cook yourselves.Then you can made your badget minimum and come japan ofen. Hirakata city will be recommend for the location of the base because it is middle betwee the cities and there is a big bridge across Yodo River to move easily and many restaurant, food shops and convenient stores. Also there are old streets.
I myself do so in southeast countries and south asia and also in Europe. This spring I went to Switzerland and Italy with my wife and it cost 200,000/2person for 10days.
You can enjoy many times because LCCs are very cheap (also I use them).
Have a nice trip.
you can go to Fushimi-Inari good view point yotsu( 4)-tsuji (path crossing) and Koujin( barbaric god)-mine(top of mountain) through east-mountain range from Tofukuji.
go out from Tofukuji through north gate and go east, at the end of the path there is a one path to west.
go up and up slow slope the path. next web page is from Inari mountain to Tofukuji (reverse rout )
anyway you arrive to Kou-jin -mine from there you can see north area of Kyoto, and then yotsu-tsuji from tohere you can see south portin of Kyoto and Osaka building.
It takes less than 2 hours. Then you go down to Torii-path.
Only few person go this path. Have a nice trip.
Hi! Mark P
Regardig Kinki through pass, it cost about 2,000yen/day. So think about cost-performance. For city area it cost 25oyen/1ride. so 8 rides/day pays for it. But 8 rides is so much. Therefore only in one city trip does not pay. ride from one city to another city cost about 500yen, so remains 6-2=4 rides. perhaps 4 rides is reasonable. It is important kyoto city transportaion is not included.so in kyoto it not pay. Therefore it pay for going another city except Kyoro and 4rides. Also you have special point of ccupon.
Another plan which pay is go to far beautiful area. For example you go Biwako area. There is a rope-way to Hieizan at west area go up there and short waks there. It's expensive travel, so Osakajin go the route once a life. Also return way you can go Ishiyama. Another is go to Koyasan. More one is go to hasedera and murouji and return way you can go to Asuka area. If yo do not go such trips, Kinki through pass is not so useful. To go Nagoya, there are highway day time buses from Osaka or kyoto and Fujinomori(Fukakusa)/ Keihan. one way 3,000yen, go and back 5,000yen.
Next- time you enjoy slowly about Japasnese life and Japanese old street think about that Hirakata city will be recommend for "the location of the base" because it is middle between the cities and there is a big bridge across Yodo River to move easily to opposite side of the River. Many restaurant, food shops and convenient stores. Also there are old streets.
have a nice trip
Re: Buying icoca card
The JR Service Center at KIX airport is open at 5:30am. You can buy ICOCA there too if you need human assistance, or if you want to buy ICOCA & Haruka package.
The HIS counter is not the same thing as JR Ticket Office. Follow the signs to trains. See this image for the place you should look for:
Just outside this office, you can also buy the ICOCA from vending machines mentioned by Nao in #1.
There are no benefits to ICOCA & Haruka if you are staying at Namba. Buy the Nankai Airport Express ticket or use one of the discounted Nankai Rapi:t deals.
I f you are used to buses in Kyoto, it is useful. Anyway try it using bus map which you can get at ticket counter of bus terminal north of Nagoya station. (subway/bus navi Kyoto City)
And Icoca is useful for both. At get on bus from back door touch sensor of inside with card "pi!pi!" and at get down from front door again touch sensor of side of driverwith card. "pi!pi!"finish and driver say "arigato gozaimasu"(thank you)
2016/2, 2017/2 and 2018/2 Kyoto weather at Feb.
It depends on the year that snow falls or not in Kyoto. However you go up to Hieizan, it sure to see snow. So itis better to go up Hieizan by cable which runs winter season.
hieizan 1 day ticket
If no snow in Hieizan, you can go Kouyasan where it's sure you can see snow.
Have a nice snow days. Brurururur. By the way, refer for your next trip in Japan.
I usualy take day-time bus from Kyoto to Tokyo to enjoy sightseeing of Tokai-do or Nakasen-dou.
Locker in kyoto
From this 9 am is good for get empty locker rooms. 1F( in Japan 1F means ground floor) A has many(1000boxs), but become full early fast. because out side is bus terminal. Then go to B (up to 2F and then down) L size is 700yen/d, LLsize also same (?) written so, but I suppose more than 1,000yen. anyway LL is bag for golf, so, your suitcase fit for L size perhaps.
This is map of JR Kobe station, and there are 2 coin lockers area inside of ticket gate (icon of key and box) of 1st floor( in Japan 1 floor means ground floor). left direction is Hiroshima , and right is Osaka.
When you go to Hiroshima, perhaps you use JR Shin-koube station of Shinkansen. So map of Shin-koube is as follow.
As shown, lockers are out side of left side ticket gates.of 2 Floor and also on 1st floor (means ground floor in Japan). It cost 500~700yen/day/box. so 2days cost is little cheaper or equal with transpot fee to your Osaka or Kyoto accomodation.
I suppose Your ship company arranges tours.
But you need a guide? Try to contact with here. (I have never used them ,so itis only information)
Or you go by yourselves, Get on Hankyu Railway Kobe line to go to Osaka, change to Kyoto Line at Jyuso or Umeda (Umeda terminal station is same with Osaka station) to Kawaramachi/Kyoto where is near Higashiyama Area( means east mountain ranege where many vie points there. ) And branch line from Katsura go to Arashiyama also many view points.
I suppose it's hard to go Nara also in a day. But you want go, get on JR train from JR line Saga Arashiyama near Arashiyama/ Hankyu and change at JR/Kyoto station to JR Nara line, it takes about 1.5~2 hours.
Have a nice trip.
I am very happy that you plan to buy Keihan Ticket.
Arashiyama higashiyama 1 day ticket ( one of the usuful passes of Keihan) which can be usfull for from ride station to Keihan higashiyama area and it is free ride in Higashiyama area. also useful for Hankyu from kawaramachi/kyoto terminal to Arashiyama, and all Randen. Therefore all of Kyoto area is covered except Kyoto bus, Kyoto metro and Jr which are not so convenient.
have a nice trip.
I went Itaria several times and always walk around in one city, for example, walk around Roma, Milano, venezia, firenze etc. Also same at bangkok, Hanoi, kuala-lunpur, also at small cities.
I suppose why travelers in Japan including Japanese so rush around. and I thought that it caused by accomodation fee is expensive in Japan, so tourists are making their stay dates short. Japanese "Omotenashi means too much care to clients" cost expensive, so accomodation of Japan is expensive. It also caused by "Japanese count cost system" of accomodation fee of per person not per room. Therefore I myself usualy go foreign countrries to stay slowly, enjoy slowly. After all some ones should change Japan accomodation system for most people except IT rich men.
In Japan now New law " cntrol for cheap accomodation" named "New law of Minpaku" was excuted. Purpose of the law is "enhancement of Controll" for cheap accomodation. The law forces small accomodations less than 180 open days in a year. Also Japanese mobile fee is so expensive compare to foreign countries. Like those, most of Japanese laws are allways "enhancement of controll" for keeping interest of already established big organizations. However JR fee using JR passes for foreigner are very cheap, but Japanese can not use those. In foreign countries native peoples are treated important by their goverment, but Japan systems are not so. therefore I would like to sting a small and small needle on it. But tripadviser would not help those plan. They always seems to think only small purpose in their society.
Can you understand my poor english.
There is a bus between Kyoto and Nara. takes 2.5 hrs. and cost 2,500yen/one way.
You can go using Ordinary train transfer twice regional trains and Rapid trains. very very interestig trip.takes 2.15hrs. and cost 2,600yen/one way. I several times use "Teenager 18 years old special ticket" between Tokyo and Osaka,it takes 8hours and cost 2,000yen/day. But the ticket avilable in limited duaration.
You can save money for accomodations as follow.
If you like to walk, I reccomend walking along Biwa -Lake -canal at Yamashina. Yamashina is east from Kyoto. Next station of JR from Kyoto through east moutain range of Kyoto. The canal lead water from Biwa-Lake to Kyoto and is located moutain foot of north of Yamashina station. So from Yamashina station go east and cross the railway to north. go up up till arrive the Canal. Then walk along the canal to west.
Go north from the point where canal go into a tunnel, cross moutains then arrive Nanzenji temple's famous water aqueduct, from there go south along the duct, you arrive to power station Keage, down the incline way which transported boats come from Biwa-Lake old yime. Down the incline way you arrive huge Biwa-lake-canals Confluence point. have a nice trip. Below map shows a easy way not to cross moutains between Yamashina and Kyoto.
This is Kinki area forum, so it is better for you to post Cyubu forum. from Cyubu internationap airpor ( perhaps Chybu international air port is correct. there is a another Nagoya airpor which is used as international flight also) to Meitetsu Nagoya station by Meitetsu Railway or bus and then change to JR Shinkansen Railway. Meitetsu Nagoya and Nagoya station is near. But we do not know detail of the way from airport to JR shinkansen.
It takes about 1 hour from the airport to Nagoya station (900yen), from Nagoya station to Kyoto 40min by Shinkansen (5,000yen). It is sure you can get acurate information at airport or also in air-flight used to the Airport. I suppose you can not buy Icoka at Nagoya, Icoca is for Kinki area and Suica or Pasmo is for Kantou,Tokyo area and" Tolca or Manoca" is Cyubu area. All the card wil lbe used in all area, but refundable only at each area. so you have to back to Cyubu to refund Tolca or Manoca. Otherwise you lost refundable deposit money and remaining charged money.
From Kiyomizu to north through San-nen zaka , Houkanji (5floor tower),Ishiben-path, Koudai-temple, Yasaka-shrine and through Yasaka-park,Chion-in to Syouren-in is the one of very good walking roots. Your parent shall slowly walk the root and get wonderful memory. From Shorenin to PaLace there is metro Touzai line (east -west line)at the north of Syoren-in and get on it to west and change to subway Karasuma-line at T13 to K06, by the way , by Touzai line can go Nijyou-castl easy, Also go east by Touzai line arrive to Keage, from Keage walk to north there is a very interesting path to Nanzen-temple.
At Keage there is a canal from Biwa-lake, boats from Biwa-Lake were transport to down side canal by cable in old time. Regarding Biwa-lake, there is a good walking pass as follows which is a copy to write someone as my post. But no interest for her.
"If you like to walk, I reccomend walking along Biwa -Lake -canal at Yamashina. Yamashina is east from Kyoto. Next station of JR from Kyoto through east moutain range of Kyoto. The canal lead water from Biwa-Lake to Kyoto and is located moutain foot of north of Yamashina station. So from Yamashina station go east and cross the railway to north. go up up till arrive the Canal. Then walk along the canal to west.
Go north from the point where canal go into a tunnel, cross moutains then arrive Nanzenji temple's famous water aqueduct, from there go south along the duct, you arrive to power station Keage, down the incline way which transported boats come from Biwa-Lake old yime. Down the incline way you arrive huge Biwa-lake-canals Confluence point. have a nice trip. Below map shows a easy way not to cross moutains between Yamashina and Kyoto.
have a nice travel for your parent.
All the countries are same for immigration procedure except red china and easy for english speakers as you.
I am very envious about you. there are 3 terminal building in Hanada airport, Inter-national building and domestic No.1 building and domestic No.2 building.
So you arrive to Inter-national building from USA. and procedure of transfer to domestic is as above.
You arrive to Haneda and follow arrival sign, at first pasport check and then luggage claim. Take your luggage and see around , there may be luggage counter to domestic line, if there, and you have boarding pass of domestic line you can leave your luggage at the counter or they may issue your boarding pass according to your ticket. (so, you must ask at check in at USA, wether boarding pass of domestic flight in Japan can be issued ) . then exit to arrival lobby. I f you can not leave your laggage inside, look around the lobby to find "transit to domestic", and perhaps at left side you can find
domestic flight counter if you have not your boarding pass, they will issue it . Also they show you apropriate domestic building.
When you go back to your country, arrive from Itami /Osaka to Domestic no.1 or no.2. domestic to international procedure is as follow.
Domestic flight do not need customs approval and passport check and only need security check.
You always think "Are my boarding passes enough to destination" and check your luggage sheet and think " where is my luggage now". It is important that you and your luggage is going together on same flight.
Have a nice trip. And I am sure you enjoy Japan and come again. for the time please refer this.
>Shibuyakko >kobekeith
Recentry, I never feel sexial desire, and feel desire to watch anything and feel proud about such my experiances. I also took buses in Bangkok city area more Jamming than Kyoto. But run around cities, watch streets ,watch shops and people, and suspect where running , it is very interresting.
Such curiosity shall make my life rich. Not only bangkok, Also malaysia, vietnum and India, Sliranka, Bangladesh ( I stayed 1 year) I used crowded buses even if heavy raining day , I enjoyed bus ride full of passenger not only inside the bus, they are on the ceiling of the buses. I helped them to climbed up to the ceiling by open a window for foothold. Comepare those, Kyoto buses are Heaven it self. Even if compared crowded train at our bisiness days where train coarch almost burst , Kyoto buses are also Heaven.
It depends on your thinking whether you can enjoy the situation or not. Difference between you and I caused by that I experianced miserable city situation after second war. there were many beggers, homless children , enjured people by war in dusty, smelling and loudy Osaka city. Compared the situation, I feel happy and can enjoy anything. Not only enjoy anywhere but I can do something at there,
Anyway I can enjoy Kyoto-bus certainly. Is there any problem?
How long you shoud stay?It depends on your personality and sensibility. And those are flexible and change by your experience. For example, when I was young I had no interest about old construction, but became old I found how many powers were poured to those (because I was a heavy industrial engineer) and now enjoy to watch them , also big interest about Biwa-Lake canal which come from Biwa-lake and also flow from north to south of Kyoto. It because I was a excellent engineer ??. Not only your personality, but watching speed is important factor. You watch something for a while, you can feel only little bit. So I recommend , at first stay Kyoto for some duration which is not so short and not so long. Then You feel something come again and stay longer. So 1 week is proper from my experience in foreign country. and come again using Low cost carrier and staying cheap accomodation. refer next my post.
Icoca +JR Haruka to kyoto is 3600yen ( "Haruka special ticket with Icoca"is 1,600yen and for Icoca is 2,000yen = charge 1500yen +deposit 500yen) and Taxi fee from Kyoto Station. it takes about 1.5hours to kyoto station.+taxi.
Cheapest one is , buy ticket Nankai Railway "Kankuu Metro ticket" cost 1,000yen. you have to get on Ordinary Express (you can not use special express Rapit) to Namba. get down at Namba go forward through ticket gate. do not forget take again the ticket .it is usuful for also metro. go down and down to under ground floor by escarlater. go straight and get on M (Midousuji) line. get down at Yodoyabashi. go foward and up (there is a elevator for suitscases), go through ticket gate. turn right go straight and buy ticket of Keihan Railway to Sanjyo 410yen. above total 1,410yen. Get on Limit express or Rapit limitted express. takes 60min to Namba and 50min to Sanjyo. total 2h. From Sanjyou take a walk to your Hotel.
have a nice trip.
I am not sure but you may have to reserve seat at tour agent as shown in this page . Contact with them.
or, ask this e-mail
I hope you can get seats.
Recently my trip style is like this, I do not stay in big cities where evrything are expencive. I found reasonable accomodation with kichen-ware outside the big city but convenient to the big city and cook by me and my wife. So we can stay longer and enjoy shopping, cooking also feeling of the area. Of course we enjoy to walk around the big cities because we have enough time in the area than short stay. we need not hurry up. Regarding in your case, you can stay very reasonable accomodation between Osaka and Kyoto. Kyoto, Osaka and Nara is very near, So you can enjoy all cities within the longer stay. You pay less like this, so you can visit the area several times and know well about the cities and people's life living there. Hirakata city located between Kyoto and Osaka is one of the such cities. And it takes about 1.5Hr to KIX.
Enjoy your trip.
Regarding good view hiking, go up to Azuchi muntain when you visit Hikone which is histrical and good view point. Oomi Hachiman under the mountain is very old and good senary area. I f you want more good view point around Biwa Lake, Hira mountain range especialy Buna-ga-take is wonderfull. you can enjoy full senary of Biwa lake.
Very easy hiking course is along Biwa-Lake-Canal which is from Biwa lake to Kyoto. This is very easy but interesting and histrical walk which continue to Nanzenji through tunnel to Kyoto basin. Biwa lake canal continues from south end to north end of Kyoto suppling water and also used as transportation. This canal also give comfortable feeling to people who knows histry of the canal.
Around Kinki area, Oo-mine moutain range is best but hard for ordinary persons. There is a Toro-Vallay at south end of Oo-mine. there is a famous Valley named Toro. I was enjoyed the view of Vally from mountain ridge line and walk along the vally, it was my best experience in my life. Oo-dai-ga-hara mountain range is also best but for enjoy forest green and clean stream. More easy good view point hiking courses are as follows.
Kunimi-yama north of Oo-daigahara is high land and good hiking mountain especialy famous as rinse plain colored gold and silver at autum. I enjoyed it. Waoo!
Hiking from NI-Jyou-zan to Katsuragi mountain which is between Nara Basin and Osaka Plane where you can enjoy both side view. Hiking along Nara east moutain range called Yamano-be -no -mich near Asuka. Asuka it self famous as hiking area.
Kongo-zan is also histrical mountain. Most high school boys and girls are go up there together at winter and young boys enjoy to run down the mountain. I also run down together.
Have a nice trip and enjoy Kinki.
About drive a car, I recommend to run around Kii Peninsula. There are many view points and also the area is historical area of old old Japan. There are two old poem (oldest and named Man(many)-you(poem)- syuu(together) and second old Ko(old)-kin(new)-Waka(poem) -syuu(together)) and view points of this area were written in those poem books. This area were so famous from old era more than 1,000 years ago. Therefore when I was student I go around the peninsula by bicycle (at the time car was not popular) following the places written in those books and so impressed.
And using a car, no need to stay big and noisy, clowded big cities. For example about Kyoto and Osaka, it is better to stay old and quiet and convenient city between the big cities such as Hirakata city. You can also stay with reasonable price.
Also you can go Ama (sky)- no-hashi (bridge)-date. I also went there by bicycle by 1 day trip.
Have a nice trip.
I suppose 5days for Kyoto, Tokyo and Mt. Fuji is too tight. I am afraid you pay much for transportation and get not much. Therefore I recommend that this time only for Kyoto, Osaka and Nara with severe budjet plan and used to staying in Japan. Then next time also stay Japan and enjoy Tokyo and Mt. Fuji.
Recently my trip style is like this, I do not stay in big cities where evrything are expencive. I found reasonable accomodation with kichen-ware outside the big city but convenient to the big city and cook by me and my wife. So we can stay longer and enjoy shopping, cooking also feeling of the area. Of course we enjoy to walk around the big cities because we have enough time in the area than short stay. we need not hurry up. Regarding in your case, you can stay very budjet accomodation between Osaka and Kyoto. Kyoto, Osaka and Nara is very near, So you can enjoy all cities within your stay. You pay less like this, so you can visit Japan again and make budjet plan easy. Hirakata city located between Kyoto and Osaka is one of such cities. And it takes about 1.5Hr to KIX. Also from KIX to Hirakata transport fee is not expensive. Make best plan and enjoy your trip.
Not only in Hirakata city, but also in many cities around kyoto and Osaka, there are old street like this.
Dear Sir.
Don't mind noise. There are person with poor mind anywhere.
Hirakata city was at old time port city of Yodo river for transportation between Kyoto and Osaka. Also Kyoto street run through the old houses still now. It is very old but comfortable city. Every Sunday small festival along old street is opened for comunication of city people.
Also Hirakata City is famous as Big Park named Hira-Pa. Especialy famous as chrysanthemum festival at autum from end of Octover.
I love Hirakata and I love Keihan Railway.
Kyoto and Osaka is too crowded and too noizy for me.
Thanks and have a nice trip.
Late night bus to Nankin Namba:
Nankai railway
namba station map
Download the station map PDF from up web.
arrived to Namba station 3rd floor, go foward and go through ticket checker, go foward rather left side, there are escalaters.use 2 escaleter.
go down to !st floor (in Japan 1st floor means ground level)
Look 1st floor(ground level) in the map.
from no.2 escalator to north exit to midousuji (doutonnbori.)
there is no direct train.
Most easy way is as follows.
at haneda get on Keikyu-railway to shinagawa.
at shinagawa, change to JR shinkansen (super high speed train) to shin (new)Osaka then to Osaka by ordinary line.
any question please.
for your stay Osaka or Kyoto refer this.
You can change at Haneda air-port arrival lobby or mono-rail 2F(in japan 1F=ground level) ticket gate .
from 6:45am, and at shinagawa station information (central ticket gate area) or JR tokai ticket counter both from 9:00am.
first time to kyoto
Aug 22, 2018, 4:34 AM
we also plan to do day trips to shirakawago and/or nagano if possible. should we go to these places during our stay in kyoto or from osaka? understand that it may take 4 hours one way but we will set out early. also read that walking from the train station to snow monkey park can take 40 min. hope the direction signs are clear enough for us to make our way there by ourselves!
appreciate any advice
Your route is correct. and also youcan go from next station osaka-jyou (castle)-kouen(park) .
so, you go from morinomiya and return osaka-jyou-kouen is good.
you have to change at ten-nouji station to circle line (counter-clock -wise round side).
all train stop tennoji, there are many platform but easy to find the line witch go to Umeda or Osaka station.
Umeda and Osaka station is same station. Osaka station is located in Umeda area.
next time please refer this.
Nagoya, Kobe , osaka ,kyoto is narrow area, so I recommend you stay one place , cook yourselves also eat outside, then you can get longer and budget stay.
Especialy Keihan Railway from osaka to nara runs along most many view points and serve economical pass and walking maps for budget trip.
Keihan line map and pass
Food shop Ramen, gyoza are served by chain shop, any where you can eat also like this.
big book shop get cloths also.
refer this.
Dear Jeffo C
according to this model-case with driver speak English.
Osaka 5H course start from Osaka area 30,800yen wiyh English speak driver.But not including highway fee ,ticket to main-construction.
KOBE 4H course and Kyoto 7Hcourse are each starting from the each city. so both plans do not fit you.
Osak course go to Osakacastle, doutonbori and abeno harukasu high building.
May I ask them to addition of shitennoji temple and umeda floating girden?
Osaka castle is as follows.
4th picture shows about 20m up-hill level2, so i think youcan go.
Inside of buiding, there are elevators.
best regards
kyoto 3 days. Then osaka/kobe 7 days.
Kansai through pass costs 4,000yen for 2days (2,000yen/day), 5,200yen for 3days (1,733yen/day).
by the ticket you can not use JR, but private railways cover it. And you can not use Kyoto subway and bus.
So, you should not use the pass for Kyoto tour. In result, to you use the pass economicaly, depend on how far you run around. but daily cost is not so much. Therefore the pass shall be useful.
Especialy you stay middle point of private Railwai of Kansai area, advantage becomes higher, becouse you
use more private line than you change your hotel. Actualy Kansai area is narrow, so stay one point is very useful. Suppose, it takes 1,000yen one way between cities, so go and back cost 2,000yen. Then run around Kinki! I will try. additionaly suppose you stay Keihan Railway area, the railway run along Kyoto east moutains, therefore, 1day ticket of Keihan is very useful/
Please refer this.
Yachiyo, Japan

3. Re: Osaka, Mt Koya and Kyoto - with kids
Aug 26, 2018, 2:19 AM
there are ordinary ryokan (japanese style hotel) named Tamagawa hotel , so no problem for a child.
Before you go to Mt. Koya, you plan to stay Osaka. See the map below.
Green is Koya line. Black small circle is KIX. so you plan to arrive KIX and go to Nanba/Osaka(red circle), stay 2days, and then go to Mt.Koya. That's OK. But prepare winter clothes especialy non slip shoes.
Weather of Osaka, first of Dec. is as follows.
Have a nice trip.
No more information?
Why you say such a sad things as "once in a lifetime only "
You can find more economical method to stay Japan. especially Kinki area (such as Osaka , Kyoto, nara) is narrow area, so need not change accomodation where you can use as good base accomodation and not only cheap but you can cook yourselves.Then you can made your badget minimum and come japan ofen. Hirakata city will be recommend for the location of the base because it is middle betwee the cities and there is a big bridge across Yodo River to move easily and many restaurant, food shops and convenient stores. Also there are old streets.
I myself do so in southeast countries and south asia and also in Europe. This spring I went to Switzerland and Italy with my wife and it cost 200,000/2person for 10days.
You can enjoy many times because LCCs are very cheap (also I use them).
Have a nice trip.
you can go to Fushimi-Inari good view point yotsu( 4)-tsuji (path crossing) and Koujin( barbaric god)-mine(top of mountain) through east-mountain range from Tofukuji.
go out from Tofukuji through north gate and go east, at the end of the path there is a one path to west.
go up and up slow slope the path. next web page is from Inari mountain to Tofukuji (reverse rout )
anyway you arrive to Kou-jin -mine from there you can see north area of Kyoto, and then yotsu-tsuji from tohere you can see south portin of Kyoto and Osaka building.
It takes less than 2 hours. Then you go down to Torii-path.
Only few person go this path. Have a nice trip.
Hi! Mark P
Regardig Kinki through pass, it cost about 2,000yen/day. So think about cost-performance. For city area it cost 25oyen/1ride. so 8 rides/day pays for it. But 8 rides is so much. Therefore only in one city trip does not pay. ride from one city to another city cost about 500yen, so remains 6-2=4 rides. perhaps 4 rides is reasonable. It is important kyoto city transportaion is not included.so in kyoto it not pay. Therefore it pay for going another city except Kyoro and 4rides. Also you have special point of ccupon.
Another plan which pay is go to far beautiful area. For example you go Biwako area. There is a rope-way to Hieizan at west area go up there and short waks there. It's expensive travel, so Osakajin go the route once a life. Also return way you can go Ishiyama. Another is go to Koyasan. More one is go to hasedera and murouji and return way you can go to Asuka area. If yo do not go such trips, Kinki through pass is not so useful. To go Nagoya, there are highway day time buses from Osaka or kyoto and Fujinomori(Fukakusa)/ Keihan. one way 3,000yen, go and back 5,000yen.
Next- time you enjoy slowly about Japasnese life and Japanese old street think about that Hirakata city will be recommend for "the location of the base" because it is middle between the cities and there is a big bridge across Yodo River to move easily to opposite side of the River. Many restaurant, food shops and convenient stores. Also there are old streets.
have a nice trip
Re: Buying icoca card
Nov 14, 2017, 7:19 PM
from the vending machine at JR
Kansai Airport train station
https:/…movie03.htmlThe JR Service Center at KIX airport is open at 5:30am. You can buy ICOCA there too if you need human assistance, or if you want to buy ICOCA & Haruka package.
The HIS counter is not the same thing as JR Ticket Office. Follow the signs to trains. See this image for the place you should look for:
Just outside this office, you can also buy the ICOCA from vending machines mentioned by Nao in #1.
There are no benefits to ICOCA & Haruka if you are staying at Namba. Buy the Nankai Airport Express ticket or use one of the discounted Nankai Rapi:t deals.
I f you are used to buses in Kyoto, it is useful. Anyway try it using bus map which you can get at ticket counter of bus terminal north of Nagoya station. (subway/bus navi Kyoto City)
And Icoca is useful for both. At get on bus from back door touch sensor of inside with card "pi!pi!" and at get down from front door again touch sensor of side of driverwith card. "pi!pi!"finish and driver say "arigato gozaimasu"(thank you)
2016/2, 2017/2 and 2018/2 Kyoto weather at Feb.
It depends on the year that snow falls or not in Kyoto. However you go up to Hieizan, it sure to see snow. So itis better to go up Hieizan by cable which runs winter season.
hieizan 1 day ticket
If no snow in Hieizan, you can go Kouyasan where it's sure you can see snow.
Have a nice snow days. Brurururur. By the way, refer for your next trip in Japan.
I usualy take day-time bus from Kyoto to Tokyo to enjoy sightseeing of Tokai-do or Nakasen-dou.
Locker in kyoto
Aug 31, 2018, 10:02 PM
About only rockers in
Kyoto station,
https://www.kyotojapantravelmap.jp/kyotostation-coinlocker/From this 9 am is good for get empty locker rooms. 1F( in Japan 1F means ground floor) A has many(1000boxs), but become full early fast. because out side is bus terminal. Then go to B (up to 2F and then down) L size is 700yen/d, LLsize also same (?) written so, but I suppose more than 1,000yen. anyway LL is bag for golf, so, your suitcase fit for L size perhaps.
This is map of JR Kobe station, and there are 2 coin lockers area inside of ticket gate (icon of key and box) of 1st floor( in Japan 1 floor means ground floor). left direction is Hiroshima , and right is Osaka.
When you go to Hiroshima, perhaps you use JR Shin-koube station of Shinkansen. So map of Shin-koube is as follow.
As shown, lockers are out side of left side ticket gates.of 2 Floor and also on 1st floor (means ground floor in Japan). It cost 500~700yen/day/box. so 2days cost is little cheaper or equal with transpot fee to your Osaka or Kyoto accomodation.
I suppose Your ship company arranges tours.
But you need a guide? Try to contact with here. (I have never used them ,so itis only information)
Or you go by yourselves, Get on Hankyu Railway Kobe line to go to Osaka, change to Kyoto Line at Jyuso or Umeda (Umeda terminal station is same with Osaka station) to Kawaramachi/Kyoto where is near Higashiyama Area( means east mountain ranege where many vie points there. ) And branch line from Katsura go to Arashiyama also many view points.
I suppose it's hard to go Nara also in a day. But you want go, get on JR train from JR line Saga Arashiyama near Arashiyama/ Hankyu and change at JR/Kyoto station to JR Nara line, it takes about 1.5~2 hours.
Have a nice trip.
I am very happy that you plan to buy Keihan Ticket.
Arashiyama higashiyama 1 day ticket ( one of the usuful passes of Keihan) which can be usfull for from ride station to Keihan higashiyama area and it is free ride in Higashiyama area. also useful for Hankyu from kawaramachi/kyoto terminal to Arashiyama, and all Randen. Therefore all of Kyoto area is covered except Kyoto bus, Kyoto metro and Jr which are not so convenient.
have a nice trip.
I went Itaria several times and always walk around in one city, for example, walk around Roma, Milano, venezia, firenze etc. Also same at bangkok, Hanoi, kuala-lunpur, also at small cities.
I suppose why travelers in Japan including Japanese so rush around. and I thought that it caused by accomodation fee is expensive in Japan, so tourists are making their stay dates short. Japanese "Omotenashi means too much care to clients" cost expensive, so accomodation of Japan is expensive. It also caused by "Japanese count cost system" of accomodation fee of per person not per room. Therefore I myself usualy go foreign countrries to stay slowly, enjoy slowly. After all some ones should change Japan accomodation system for most people except IT rich men.
In Japan now New law " cntrol for cheap accomodation" named "New law of Minpaku" was excuted. Purpose of the law is "enhancement of Controll" for cheap accomodation. The law forces small accomodations less than 180 open days in a year. Also Japanese mobile fee is so expensive compare to foreign countries. Like those, most of Japanese laws are allways "enhancement of controll" for keeping interest of already established big organizations. However JR fee using JR passes for foreigner are very cheap, but Japanese can not use those. In foreign countries native peoples are treated important by their goverment, but Japan systems are not so. therefore I would like to sting a small and small needle on it. But tripadviser would not help those plan. They always seems to think only small purpose in their society.
Can you understand my poor english.
There is a bus between Kyoto and Nara. takes 2.5 hrs. and cost 2,500yen/one way.
You can go using Ordinary train transfer twice regional trains and Rapid trains. very very interestig trip.takes 2.15hrs. and cost 2,600yen/one way. I several times use "Teenager 18 years old special ticket" between Tokyo and Osaka,it takes 8hours and cost 2,000yen/day. But the ticket avilable in limited duaration.
You can save money for accomodations as follow.
If you like to walk, I reccomend walking along Biwa -Lake -canal at Yamashina. Yamashina is east from Kyoto. Next station of JR from Kyoto through east moutain range of Kyoto. The canal lead water from Biwa-Lake to Kyoto and is located moutain foot of north of Yamashina station. So from Yamashina station go east and cross the railway to north. go up up till arrive the Canal. Then walk along the canal to west.
Go north from the point where canal go into a tunnel, cross moutains then arrive Nanzenji temple's famous water aqueduct, from there go south along the duct, you arrive to power station Keage, down the incline way which transported boats come from Biwa-Lake old yime. Down the incline way you arrive huge Biwa-lake-canals Confluence point. have a nice trip. Below map shows a easy way not to cross moutains between Yamashina and Kyoto.
This is Kinki area forum, so it is better for you to post Cyubu forum. from Cyubu internationap airpor ( perhaps Chybu international air port is correct. there is a another Nagoya airpor which is used as international flight also) to Meitetsu Nagoya station by Meitetsu Railway or bus and then change to JR Shinkansen Railway. Meitetsu Nagoya and Nagoya station is near. But we do not know detail of the way from airport to JR shinkansen.
It takes about 1 hour from the airport to Nagoya station (900yen), from Nagoya station to Kyoto 40min by Shinkansen (5,000yen). It is sure you can get acurate information at airport or also in air-flight used to the Airport. I suppose you can not buy Icoka at Nagoya, Icoca is for Kinki area and Suica or Pasmo is for Kantou,Tokyo area and" Tolca or Manoca" is Cyubu area. All the card wil lbe used in all area, but refundable only at each area. so you have to back to Cyubu to refund Tolca or Manoca. Otherwise you lost refundable deposit money and remaining charged money.
From Kiyomizu to north through San-nen zaka , Houkanji (5floor tower),Ishiben-path, Koudai-temple, Yasaka-shrine and through Yasaka-park,Chion-in to Syouren-in is the one of very good walking roots. Your parent shall slowly walk the root and get wonderful memory. From Shorenin to PaLace there is metro Touzai line (east -west line)at the north of Syoren-in and get on it to west and change to subway Karasuma-line at T13 to K06, by the way , by Touzai line can go Nijyou-castl easy, Also go east by Touzai line arrive to Keage, from Keage walk to north there is a very interesting path to Nanzen-temple.
At Keage there is a canal from Biwa-lake, boats from Biwa-Lake were transport to down side canal by cable in old time. Regarding Biwa-lake, there is a good walking pass as follows which is a copy to write someone as my post. But no interest for her.
"If you like to walk, I reccomend walking along Biwa -Lake -canal at Yamashina. Yamashina is east from Kyoto. Next station of JR from Kyoto through east moutain range of Kyoto. The canal lead water from Biwa-Lake to Kyoto and is located moutain foot of north of Yamashina station. So from Yamashina station go east and cross the railway to north. go up up till arrive the Canal. Then walk along the canal to west.
Go north from the point where canal go into a tunnel, cross moutains then arrive Nanzenji temple's famous water aqueduct, from there go south along the duct, you arrive to power station Keage, down the incline way which transported boats come from Biwa-Lake old yime. Down the incline way you arrive huge Biwa-lake-canals Confluence point. have a nice trip. Below map shows a easy way not to cross moutains between Yamashina and Kyoto.
have a nice travel for your parent.
All the countries are same for immigration procedure except red china and easy for english speakers as you.
I am very envious about you. there are 3 terminal building in Hanada airport, Inter-national building and domestic No.1 building and domestic No.2 building.
So you arrive to Inter-national building from USA. and procedure of transfer to domestic is as above.
You arrive to Haneda and follow arrival sign, at first pasport check and then luggage claim. Take your luggage and see around , there may be luggage counter to domestic line, if there, and you have boarding pass of domestic line you can leave your luggage at the counter or they may issue your boarding pass according to your ticket. (so, you must ask at check in at USA, wether boarding pass of domestic flight in Japan can be issued ) . then exit to arrival lobby. I f you can not leave your laggage inside, look around the lobby to find "transit to domestic", and perhaps at left side you can find
domestic flight counter if you have not your boarding pass, they will issue it . Also they show you apropriate domestic building.
When you go back to your country, arrive from Itami /Osaka to Domestic no.1 or no.2. domestic to international procedure is as follow.
Domestic flight do not need customs approval and passport check and only need security check.
You always think "Are my boarding passes enough to destination" and check your luggage sheet and think " where is my luggage now". It is important that you and your luggage is going together on same flight.
Have a nice trip. And I am sure you enjoy Japan and come again. for the time please refer this.
>Shibuyakko >kobekeith
Recentry, I never feel sexial desire, and feel desire to watch anything and feel proud about such my experiances. I also took buses in Bangkok city area more Jamming than Kyoto. But run around cities, watch streets ,watch shops and people, and suspect where running , it is very interresting.
Such curiosity shall make my life rich. Not only bangkok, Also malaysia, vietnum and India, Sliranka, Bangladesh ( I stayed 1 year) I used crowded buses even if heavy raining day , I enjoyed bus ride full of passenger not only inside the bus, they are on the ceiling of the buses. I helped them to climbed up to the ceiling by open a window for foothold. Comepare those, Kyoto buses are Heaven it self. Even if compared crowded train at our bisiness days where train coarch almost burst , Kyoto buses are also Heaven.
It depends on your thinking whether you can enjoy the situation or not. Difference between you and I caused by that I experianced miserable city situation after second war. there were many beggers, homless children , enjured people by war in dusty, smelling and loudy Osaka city. Compared the situation, I feel happy and can enjoy anything. Not only enjoy anywhere but I can do something at there,
Anyway I can enjoy Kyoto-bus certainly. Is there any problem?
How long you shoud stay?It depends on your personality and sensibility. And those are flexible and change by your experience. For example, when I was young I had no interest about old construction, but became old I found how many powers were poured to those (because I was a heavy industrial engineer) and now enjoy to watch them , also big interest about Biwa-Lake canal which come from Biwa-lake and also flow from north to south of Kyoto. It because I was a excellent engineer ??. Not only your personality, but watching speed is important factor. You watch something for a while, you can feel only little bit. So I recommend , at first stay Kyoto for some duration which is not so short and not so long. Then You feel something come again and stay longer. So 1 week is proper from my experience in foreign country. and come again using Low cost carrier and staying cheap accomodation. refer next my post.
Icoca +JR Haruka to kyoto is 3600yen ( "Haruka special ticket with Icoca"is 1,600yen and for Icoca is 2,000yen = charge 1500yen +deposit 500yen) and Taxi fee from Kyoto Station. it takes about 1.5hours to kyoto station.+taxi.
Cheapest one is , buy ticket Nankai Railway "Kankuu Metro ticket" cost 1,000yen. you have to get on Ordinary Express (you can not use special express Rapit) to Namba. get down at Namba go forward through ticket gate. do not forget take again the ticket .it is usuful for also metro. go down and down to under ground floor by escarlater. go straight and get on M (Midousuji) line. get down at Yodoyabashi. go foward and up (there is a elevator for suitscases), go through ticket gate. turn right go straight and buy ticket of Keihan Railway to Sanjyo 410yen. above total 1,410yen. Get on Limit express or Rapit limitted express. takes 60min to Namba and 50min to Sanjyo. total 2h. From Sanjyou take a walk to your Hotel.
have a nice trip.
I am not sure but you may have to reserve seat at tour agent as shown in this page . Contact with them.
or, ask this e-mail
I hope you can get seats.
Recently my trip style is like this, I do not stay in big cities where evrything are expencive. I found reasonable accomodation with kichen-ware outside the big city but convenient to the big city and cook by me and my wife. So we can stay longer and enjoy shopping, cooking also feeling of the area. Of course we enjoy to walk around the big cities because we have enough time in the area than short stay. we need not hurry up. Regarding in your case, you can stay very reasonable accomodation between Osaka and Kyoto. Kyoto, Osaka and Nara is very near, So you can enjoy all cities within the longer stay. You pay less like this, so you can visit the area several times and know well about the cities and people's life living there. Hirakata city located between Kyoto and Osaka is one of the such cities. And it takes about 1.5Hr to KIX.
Enjoy your trip.
Regarding good view hiking, go up to Azuchi muntain when you visit Hikone which is histrical and good view point. Oomi Hachiman under the mountain is very old and good senary area. I f you want more good view point around Biwa Lake, Hira mountain range especialy Buna-ga-take is wonderfull. you can enjoy full senary of Biwa lake.
Very easy hiking course is along Biwa-Lake-Canal which is from Biwa lake to Kyoto. This is very easy but interesting and histrical walk which continue to Nanzenji through tunnel to Kyoto basin. Biwa lake canal continues from south end to north end of Kyoto suppling water and also used as transportation. This canal also give comfortable feeling to people who knows histry of the canal.
Around Kinki area, Oo-mine moutain range is best but hard for ordinary persons. There is a Toro-Vallay at south end of Oo-mine. there is a famous Valley named Toro. I was enjoyed the view of Vally from mountain ridge line and walk along the vally, it was my best experience in my life. Oo-dai-ga-hara mountain range is also best but for enjoy forest green and clean stream. More easy good view point hiking courses are as follows.
Kunimi-yama north of Oo-daigahara is high land and good hiking mountain especialy famous as rinse plain colored gold and silver at autum. I enjoyed it. Waoo!
Hiking from NI-Jyou-zan to Katsuragi mountain which is between Nara Basin and Osaka Plane where you can enjoy both side view. Hiking along Nara east moutain range called Yamano-be -no -mich near Asuka. Asuka it self famous as hiking area.
Kongo-zan is also histrical mountain. Most high school boys and girls are go up there together at winter and young boys enjoy to run down the mountain. I also run down together.
Have a nice trip and enjoy Kinki.
About drive a car, I recommend to run around Kii Peninsula. There are many view points and also the area is historical area of old old Japan. There are two old poem (oldest and named Man(many)-you(poem)- syuu(together) and second old Ko(old)-kin(new)-Waka(poem) -syuu(together)) and view points of this area were written in those poem books. This area were so famous from old era more than 1,000 years ago. Therefore when I was student I go around the peninsula by bicycle (at the time car was not popular) following the places written in those books and so impressed.
And using a car, no need to stay big and noisy, clowded big cities. For example about Kyoto and Osaka, it is better to stay old and quiet and convenient city between the big cities such as Hirakata city. You can also stay with reasonable price.
Also you can go Ama (sky)- no-hashi (bridge)-date. I also went there by bicycle by 1 day trip.
Have a nice trip.
I suppose 5days for Kyoto, Tokyo and Mt. Fuji is too tight. I am afraid you pay much for transportation and get not much. Therefore I recommend that this time only for Kyoto, Osaka and Nara with severe budjet plan and used to staying in Japan. Then next time also stay Japan and enjoy Tokyo and Mt. Fuji.
Recently my trip style is like this, I do not stay in big cities where evrything are expencive. I found reasonable accomodation with kichen-ware outside the big city but convenient to the big city and cook by me and my wife. So we can stay longer and enjoy shopping, cooking also feeling of the area. Of course we enjoy to walk around the big cities because we have enough time in the area than short stay. we need not hurry up. Regarding in your case, you can stay very budjet accomodation between Osaka and Kyoto. Kyoto, Osaka and Nara is very near, So you can enjoy all cities within your stay. You pay less like this, so you can visit Japan again and make budjet plan easy. Hirakata city located between Kyoto and Osaka is one of such cities. And it takes about 1.5Hr to KIX. Also from KIX to Hirakata transport fee is not expensive. Make best plan and enjoy your trip.
Not only in Hirakata city, but also in many cities around kyoto and Osaka, there are old street like this.
Dear Sir.
Don't mind noise. There are person with poor mind anywhere.
Hirakata city was at old time port city of Yodo river for transportation between Kyoto and Osaka. Also Kyoto street run through the old houses still now. It is very old but comfortable city. Every Sunday small festival along old street is opened for comunication of city people.
Also Hirakata City is famous as Big Park named Hira-Pa. Especialy famous as chrysanthemum festival at autum from end of Octover.
I love Hirakata and I love Keihan Railway.
Kyoto and Osaka is too crowded and too noizy for me.
Thanks and have a nice trip.
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